Many of my clients ask me about more critical view, facts and trusted research about the digital wellbeing of young people so today I would like to share a quick few notes from today’s webinar on the topic hosted by Sonia Livingstone (London-based researcher, writer and speaker who is worth your attention on Twitter for more news and insights).
The points made below might be obvious for some of you, but many parents do struggle with finding accessible and unbiased guidance. The mainstream media narrative is often-times simplifies around the screen use or excessive gaming, but very few parents will look deeper into the reasons for their children’s digital behaviours. Or even attempt to define what digital wellbeing means to their families. So the points below are indeed a great start.

If you wish to find out more, check out the EU Kids Online study – which is very well established by now and I strongly recommend it.
You can also read some interesting, more specific publications from the participating project or find out much more from the Cyberpsychology journal too. If you find the full articles overwhelming, just venture out to check out the introductions and conclusions. It is worth exploring your won assumptions about those complex topics to possibly consider engaging in a mutual, open, trusted dialogue with your children. I personally think this is always the best start.