…and reflecting on kindness. It’s lovely that the theme of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week was kindness – we need it so much at the moment. I sense that kindness is finally becoming fashionable, which is a good thing. Especially as we reconnect with our selves, our families and homes and our local communities. And as we unite globally in those challenging times of the pandemic. Being kind is obviously much needed now, but it is also healthy.

It is important to remember that celebrations and national days are really conversation starters. I have spent the #MHAW2020 week posting my thoughts about various aspects of kindness over on Instagram, but I hope that we will all continue reflecting on them all throughout the year. I have collected all my post for you over on Pinterest to save, use, share or print. Kindness should be obvious, but in times when it is not always the case, it’s worth having a reminder or two;)

Here are all of them in one place (I am going to be kind to myself and forgive myself for that one mistake in design – see if you can spot it too;)).

Stay well, stay safe, stay kind.

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Senior social media and digital wellbeing consultant, coach and counsellor. Founder of Voxel Hub.

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