My clients often ask me for tips on specific tools and brands, so I need to keep an eye on how many market leaders behave. How do we tell if a brand is ethical or even more than that: actually kind? Well, all brands need to make money, of course, but in times of crisis some brands step up (while others don’t). And that is how we know about the carrying ones. Today I would like to mention Andy Puddicombe and his fantastic meditation app, Headspace. I like to pay for the service because it is worth every penny, however, I am also impressed with their well-timed promotions, improvements (mindfulness for kids!) and gestures like this one:

Do check out their relevant website here – the offer applied even to the staff who are furloughed (in the US and UK).

Well done, Headspace team. Really kind, social brand.

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Senior social media and digital wellbeing consultant, coach and counsellor. Founder of Voxel Hub.

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