I have noticed a fantastic small storytelling project on Twitter the other day so I wanted to mention it here for inspiration. Dan Barker over on Twitter had some time to kill while in London so he decided to challenge himself and take photos of all Tube stations featured on the Monopoly Board. Here is his first tweet:

For all of us, board game fans, this is a really treat, of course, because it makes a board game so much more real. It is relatable. And it is educational.

I personally also find this short project really moving due to the timing of it. In the times of the global pandemic our capitol, which is usually so busy, is now captured in it’s unique, sad, mediative state.

It’s also a great piece of fantastic street photography. I would love to see those photos printed in a book format.

I cannot help but wonder – what would we, photographers, do without this amazing ability to spend such short period of time travelling, capturing moments on our mobile camera and sharoing them with global audiences real time. To come home and see the ripples generated by our story. Then also having the ability to respond to comments. Maybe even find our tweets in a blog post.

Wonders of technology, human creativity and willingness to share. Thank you, Dan!

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Senior social media and digital wellbeing consultant, coach and counsellor. Founder of Voxel Hub.

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