Digital Wellbeing Aspect 1: Your Digital Literacy is all about your personal experiences and active education.

The more competent you are in using digital technologies, the more informed choices you can make about your wellbeing.

What are your current digital skills?

How digitally fluent are you in using the Internet through various devices and tapping into the multitude of options on the channels you use?

What positive and other digital experiences can you think of when exploring your relationship with those devices, tools, and platforms?

Have those past experiences shaped how you feel online these days?

How and what would you like to change to feel better without switching off or using them compulsively?

What else, outside of technology, affects how you feel about your digital wellbeing?

Do you follow opinions from mainstream media, cyber-psychologists or the opinions of people you trust?

Do you question those sometimes unfounded mainstream assumptions?

What steps can you take to improve your digital literacy and make more informed choices about your digital wellbeing?

If you found this helpful, you can find a handy Digital Wellbeing Assessment with more insights on our homepage or here.

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Senior social media and digital wellbeing consultant, coach and counsellor. Founder of Voxel Hub.

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