We simply cannot walk the path without our tribe, our collective, and our support networks.

A good therapist should be in regular therapy and in supervision. Many counsellors also have monthly line management meetings and a dedicated safeguarding team/person.

In our private life, we also need to think very carefully about our tribe – who are the people that serve and nurture our wellbeing? Who are the people with a more toxic impact that we need to keep far from our vulnerable parts? Do we have enough people to lean on? Do we actually talk to them regularly?

Do we live in a supportive community and a space that is healing? If not, can we at least access a healing space now and again? A simple hour of forrest walking each month can have a wonderful impact on us.

We need people and spaces that can hold our pain with and for us.

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Senior social media and digital wellbeing consultant, coach and counsellor. Founder of Voxel Hub.

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