The Internet is packed with fantastic free events at the moment, so it can be difficult to decide how to spend our time wisely. It is also a very unique time – testing time for brands to keep their communities and customers engaged but also to respect a very new set of needs. I do see more traditional, closed brands still pushing the idea of paid and closed events with a very traditional approach to storytelling. What I mean by that is the assumption that people’s resilience levels are high and that negative, sarcastic and diminishing tonality can resonate. That is no longer the case. We are slowly but surely moving towards more soft and considerate thought leadership.

So today I would like to recommend a virtual conference I have attended over the weekend because it is a prime example of how to get a virtual event right. It is also extremely relevant to my customers and readers. It is packed with fantastic known and less known speakers. It is pragmatic, but also uplifting and energising. And finally, it promotes a holistic, balanced and diverse approach to health.

To access all information please go to the main event page. If you want to watch the three days of the event, here there are below – they remain free.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

The organised collated a fantastic list of useful resources containing links: crisis support, exercise, nutrition, mindfulness and meditation, collective mental health, creativity and general mental health awareness.

I would also like to mention something that bugs me a bit when I watch some local events here in the U.K. advertised as “world-leading”, but actually feature a strong local perspective (in the choice of speakers and their language). The Never Alone Summit clearly features the global community from many perspectives. Even though it is hosted from the US, it becomes impossible to pin it down to one location. The diversity of invited speakers speaks for itself.

We have a lot to learn from the organisers. I strongly recommend spending some time listening to those short but powerful talks. Enjoy!

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Senior social media and digital wellbeing consultant, coach and counsellor. Founder of Voxel Hub.

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