Digital Wellbeing Aspect 5: Your Digital Identity refers to a few key aspects of who we are and how we present ourselves – online and offline.

This aspect addresses how we shape our online identity and how we manage our health too. Everything we share or do online shapes our digital footprint – the mark we make on the Internet. Everything that is posted about us online is called our web shadow. Thus it can be helpful to consider shaping our digital footprint proactively so that when people Google our name, our web shadow shows themes, topics, achievements and part of our identity that we wish to share – and does not depend on others so much.

Proactively shaping our identity allows for many choices, and it tends to be the best practice to remain as authentic and honest as possible. However, please remember that what goes online stays online. Consider others and your own footprint too. Don’t post when angry, drunk or rushed. Apologise when you make mistakes and do better. Respect others and stay kind.

What is your current digital footprint and your web shadow?

What do you need to do to improve it and thus improve your digital wellbeing too?

In this aspect, we also reflect on our physical health. This is where we think about screen time, body and health in general.

Are you taking enough breaks, and do you plan effective transitions from and to online activities?

Is your posture correct?

Are you moving enough in the day?

Are you breathing correctly to avoid moments of micro-suffocation when waiting for an email, message or game level to load?

How are you in your body when using digital technologies?

Are you tending to your physical health?

What do you need to check and change to improve your digital wellbeing?

If you found this helpful, you can find a handy Digital Wellbeing Assessment with more insights on our homepage or here.

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Senior social media and digital wellbeing consultant, coach and counsellor. Founder of Voxel Hub.

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