Digital Wellbeing Aspect 3: Your Digital Creativity stands for a balanced participation in content creation online.

Unlike other forms of media, social media and other online platforms provide affordable access to self-publishing tools. We may not think about this when we draft a tweet or a blog post, but for the first time in the history of publishing, all we need is an account, Internet access and registration on the platform.

Sometimes we may be creating content already without thinking much about it: we comment, write reviews, and like or re-share content from others. All those actions add to our personal digital footprint online and shape our online identity. Some of us find this process overwhelming, terrifying even. Others find it liberating.

So what is your approach to digital content creation?

Do you post or interact with content online?

How do you consume it, and in what formats: text, audio, video, or mixed media?

What barriers can you identify in content creation?

What do you enjoy about it?

If you post online, what are the actual effects of sharing online on your individual, relational, and collective wellbeing?

Where do you share your content?

Who responds to it?

What relationships do you form this way?

What needs to change to support your digital wellbeing more?

If you found this helpful, you can find a handy Digital Wellbeing Assessment with more insights on our homepage or here.

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Senior social media and digital wellbeing consultant, coach and counsellor. Founder of Voxel Hub.

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