For a very long time, I have struggled with the idea of digital detox, so this autumn, I am exploring it.

We are all unique, and so many of my clients actually do what I believe to be an excellent digital detox, but maybe not what we think of when we see it in mainstream media.

I do not believe that switching off all devices (i.e. the connection with online content and relationships) works. I think digital detox is about an aware, wise way of reconnecting with ourselves, our passions, and meaningful and nurturing relationships.

So here is my suggestion: go softly, and rethink your online activities – instead of abruptly switching off…focus on what matters to you and adjust your habits gently. Can we do a digital detox without completely staying offline? Yes, we can.

Let me know what the term “digital detox” means to you? I would love to know your thoughts.

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Senior social media and digital wellbeing consultant, coach and counsellor. Founder of Voxel Hub.

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