This month I reflect on our journey so far. So many of us walk this path making choices based on mainstream myths around the impact of digital technologies on your wellbeing that I have decided to write more about the facts. Facts are…complicated.

And we do not like that. We prefer simple answers. To keep safe we prefer to follow the lead of our tribe, repeat mental memes and believe what is being said.

What if good digital wellbeing was possible and what if it was simple too?

What if we could make choices in a balanced way and reflect on the actual impact of tech on our lives instead of making assumptions based on the media narratives that hope to scare us? Digital wellbeing is easy, you see. We know what is good for us, we need to embrace digital tech and choose wisely how it can serve us. That’s all. It’s simple.

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Senior social media and digital wellbeing consultant, coach and counsellor. Founder of Voxel Hub.

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