Our online and offline experiences are interconnected. Digital is part of our reality – it’s not out there, but here…honestly, it’s been here long enough to take it seriously instead of demonising it.

What do you see in this picture – a person addicted to his mobile phone or a person who is having a lovely time with their friends and sharing it with their partner who has a moment to check-in via Facetime during busy work shifts? What you see is your choice.

Have you ever considered that the only thing that stands between a good, healthy experience of digital spaces and you is…you? Have you considered taking responsibility for your choices and giving yourself permission to be well, thrive even?

The social web, the Internet has so much to offer if we only accept the possibility of it, instead of fixating on risks alone.

Someone said to me recently: ‘life is full of risks and trauma from the day we are both, yet some of us manage to be well and happy’ – so maybe we already have the answers, we just need to chose to be well?

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Senior social media and digital wellbeing consultant, coach and counsellor. Founder of Voxel Hub.

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