This document was published last December, however as some of us start to go back to offline meetings too, I would like to remind you about the key challenge with exhausting meetings – oftentimes they are not necessary!

The Zoom Mindful Meetings Checklist is actually very short and sweet so I recumbent using it to prepare, run and wrap up a meeting. However, before you even set up up, please think carefully: do you really need it?

I personally have a three meetings per day rule I am aiming for and that applies to both offline and online meetings (of course I can do it within my current role, I know it’s not always possible).

Unnecessary meetings take up valuable time, energy and affect our wellbeing in a negative way, so let’s leave them for the times when they are reasonable, crucial to the progress of our work.

Zoom Mindful Meetings Checklist

Photo by Nastuh Abootalebi on Unsplash

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Senior social media and digital wellbeing consultant, coach and counsellor. Founder of Voxel Hub.

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