What is reality? We know now that our brains experience virtual reality the same way as our grounded reality, yet we also know the two worlds – offline and online – never “feel” the same. And then, in counselling, if we work with people who experience hearing voices, having visions or living delusional versions of reality we also often notice where those experiences might come from (early childhood trauma, bereavement etc). I have been fascinated with the idea of reality – how we perceive it, live it and remember it – since I can remember, so I am indeed a fan of the Matrix Trilogy. In fact, during my therapy studies, the Matrix metaphors are quite often very helpful to me.

We all have a code, codes even. We all have the power to bend the spoon. However, the place where we start – the privileged position in life and the general level of self-awareness – might differ. The possibility of choice though is helpful in working with change. Recently I have been personally affected by the magnitude of negative bias in the mental health sector where positive psychology (or even the acceptance of the possibility of living better than OK) is still often controversial. So I find coming back to the Matrix world ever so hopeful. The stories in this series create a sense of hope – which is something we all need right now. And I still wonder: are we ready to accept the possibility of a better future though?

To choose is what makes us human.

This is why I love the new website designed to promote the fourth episode of the Matrix series coming out this winter.

“Choose your reality” offers a simple choice but takes us on a very different route: life in passive submission or life awake. The word “awake” is slowly entering the public discourse in relation to all the significant challenges we need to face as humanity, which is why I am so looking forward to seeing the new movie. I am curious to see therapy and medication featured in the trailer. And while we all await the movie release, the website serves as a fantastic meditation on our individual experience of what is happening right here, right now.

Senior social media and digital wellbeing consultant, coach and counsellor. Founder of Voxel Hub.