It’s December. Here in the UK, we are at the brink of two difficult realities: the year of Pandemic and the first year of post-Brexit reality. For those of us who feel connected to those realities, this annual review is very hard. So today, as I myself go back to my inspirations, I am sharing them with you. I hope they will spark a moment of inspiration and connection.

First, a fantastic reality check and a summary to why we need vision, education, awake living but most importantly kindness – kindness is at the core of everything:

Secondly, tips from a place familiar to a few, yet so very universal:

And finally a longer video on the importance of leading with heart of a parent – the only future-proof way in my opinion (and as per Sinek’s book already evidences by sustainable businesses):

I would love to know what inspires your annual review this year. I look forward to all your tips. Thank you!

Photo by sanjiv nayak on Unsplash

Senior social media and digital wellbeing consultant, coach and counsellor. Founder of Voxel Hub.