What is your Internet myth?

Welcome to our February Newsletter. As we enter the lunar year of the Tiger, I am thinking a lot about the myth of the scary Internet. I was working with a fabulous therapist the other day, exploring my future plans and worries on a sand tray – a tool that helps us tap into the subconscious. What emerged for me as a critical challenge was the increasing negative bias most of us carry concerning social media and other connected platforms. Tools that were designed for collaboration are mostly seen today as beasts in their own right. Those inner worries we carry then affect our perception of reality, and thus we tend to make safe but limiting choices.

Most of the work I do in my client work is to demystify that Tiger and I love to see my clients emerge slowly but steadily from the myth into a more optimistic reality – one which lends itself to many opportunities and broader choices. I am not saying the interconnected web is perfect, far from it. I am saying, though, that we already have an inner myth in our perception of the Internet. That mythical beast skilfully nurtured by the mainstream media shapes the options we consider in the first place. We assume a lot. We hope less. We become hopeless.

So this month, as I am working with my clients on expanding their connection with the reality of social connection facilitated through the Internet, I am also going back to myths and tales. What is the story you tell yourself about the Internet? How does it affect your life choices and your wellbeing? How much of that story is a reality of your situation, and how much of it is a giant, scary Tiger that actually needs a pet on its head to calm down and serve its purpose – be magnificent?

This month, I am applying the tales people tell to the counselling, coaching, and consultancy work. I think a lot about the integration – of those three key services and their relevant opportunities. It is incredible to see people move beyond their negative bias towards a life lived fuller. So thank you for trusting me and being with me on this journey.

I wish you a magical February!

My favourite topic this month

This month my recommendations encourage you to enter the world of myths:


The Anthology of English Folk Tales

Gender Swapped Fairy Tales

Angela Carter’s Book Of Fairy Tales

Once Upon a Time Knightly Tales Card Game

If you have a recommendation on this topic, please do let me know!


Few people asked me about my trusted sources of continuous development so here are the online training sessions I am accessing this month:

Health Care Summit 2022 – on now

Breathwork Summit 2022 – on now

PESI – their free event in support of children’s mental health is on tomorrow

National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioural Medicine – always great courses and free events as well

I hope the above resources are helpful.

Thank you for reading our Newsletter. Talk to us online, check out our blog and let us know what else you would like to see here in the upcoming months.

Stay safe. Stay well. Stay connected.


Photo by Matt Popovich on Unsplash

Senior social media and digital wellbeing consultant, coach and counsellor. Founder of Voxel Hub.