On the 5th of November, I had the pleasure to join Lancia Consult at their Being Relevant event at the Bristol Museum. Presentations focus on the ethics of new technologies: our digital identity, our financial credit score challenges and accessibility, autonomous driving, ethics of AI and finally – what I personally found the most interesting – the ethics and challenges of the AI use in military conflicts.

I am always at awe with the work done here in Bristol to open up discussions about challenging topics, and so I really enjoyed listening to all the speakers. Each talk was fairly short but really informative. Most importantly, fairly balances. Of course, the ethical challenges of innovation are complex. However, it is comforting to know that many professionals dedicate their careers and their entire startups to this area. We are finally looking at the complexity of ethical choices. We are considering the outdated, rigid systems (not tech, but our own social, political and economic systems) and developing ideas that aim to respond to the human aspects of our interactions with technology. We are also looking at inclusivity, diversity, access, safety but also critical thinking around what data and automation mean to us.

I came out of the event inspired to think more carefully about my own, but also our collective ethical choices.

Here are a few comments I personally find important to think about:

On digital identity
On real-world AV case studies
On the collective wellbeing vs. individual needs dilemma in AI
On challenges of autonomous vehicles design
On consumer trust for startups
In the battlefield, those questions are considered – whether we like it or not

Here are the notes, I hope you will find those inspiring too. A huge thank you to the organisers for inviting me and the OTR Bristol.

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Senior social media and digital wellbeing consultant, coach and counsellor. Founder of Voxel Hub.

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