Digital Wellbeing Self-Assessment


Welcome and thank you for making time to explore and improve your digital wellbeing.

What is digital wellbeing?

It is a process of active, informed decision making to improve your wellbeing in the digital age. Switching off the Internet does not resolve the challenges we face with online interactions. Instead, we recommend exploring in more detail what is the impact of digital on our wellbeing and how can we improve it. See more here: Voxel Hub About-Us

What is the digital wellbeing self-assessment?

It is an online form featuring questions about digital wellbeing and its six core aspects. It also contains additional educational facts and tips to help you think pro-actively about your digital wellbeing.

What does the scale stand for?

You will be asked to review each question on a scale from 3 (thriving) to -3 (struggling) to receive a final score at the end of the form.

How to make the most of this space?

You will see seven sections with six questions on each page. After each section, you will also see a slide with educational facts and tips. Please, do make time for this experience to fully explore all key areas of your digital wellbeing, learn and reflect. You can save your current score and do this assessment in the future to measure your personal improvements too.

What about my data?

This space if for you, so please save your final score. We won’t. We do not keep any personal data from your journey here. We use very top line, anonymous Google Analytics to measure the traffic on our website. More information here: Voxel Hub Privacy


We believe that complete switching off is impossible and ineffective. Active digital wellbeing models are useful as a starting point of more critical exploration, but they are not definitive. You are unique, and so is your experience and your life. Digital wellbeing is an active process of growth towards feeling better in the digital age. It is a journey, so it might be helpful to think of your results as a check-point:

  • To support your wellbeing practice,
  • To inform your reflection and your future choices,
  • To inspire your education.

We hope you will find this experience helpful,
Sylwia Korsak, the Founder of Voxel Hub

Digital Wellbeing Scale (-3 to 3)

Digital literacy – your digital skills, your digital experiences using devices, software, platforms, various functions of those technologies

How do you generally feel about your digital skills?
How is your current understanding of digital technologies?
How do you feel about your past digital experiences?
How do you feel about your current digital experiences?
Generally, how do you relate to digital technologies?
How do you feel about your digital literacy in general?

Digital technologies – functions, underlying principles, news, changes and innovation of digital technologies

How informed are you about digital news and new technologies?
How aware are you of core underlying functions and principles of the tools you use?
How familiar are you with all options on platforms and gadgets you use?
How aware are you of new functions on devices and software already familiar to you?
Generally, how do you relate to digital innovation?
How do you feel about digital technologies in general?

Digital creativity – content you create, share, contribute to and aggregate (collect & re-share)

How do you feel about comments, reactions and re-shares you post online?
How do you feel about your own content published online (text and other formats)?
How confident are you to share your content your networks online?
How confident are you to share your content with general public online?
Generally, how do you relate to creating and sharing your creations online?
How do you feel about your digital creativity in general?

Digital content – content you access, consume and subscribe to online

How confident are you to choose the relevant & valuable content for yourself online?
How confident are you to choose trusted sources of online content?
How do you feel about the content you subscribe to on digital platforms and devices?
How do you feel about the content shared by your friends and networks?
Generally, how do you relate to all the content you consume online?
How do you feel about digital content in general?

Digital identity – you sense of identity and self online: your online footprint, voice & tonality, sense of online safety & health, accessibility

How do you feel about confidently managing your online identity?
How do you feel about your personal data and your copyrights?
How confidently do you shape your online voice and tonality?
Do you feel safe to be online and to manage potential online abuse?
Generally, how do you feel about your health and wellbeing online?
How do you feel about your digital identity in general?

Digital communication – your private and professional relationships online, online leaders, communities and audiences

How do you feel about your close private and professional relationships online?
How do you feel about your more distant relationships and networks online?
How confident are you in managing your online group memberships?
How confident are you in choosing to follow public figures that improve your wellbeing?
Generally, how do you feel about your interactions with other people online?
How do you feel about digital communication in general?

Digital wellbeing – the bigger picture: your overall sense of digital wellbeing in a wider context

How confident are you in managing the impact of digital technologies on your wellbeing?
How do you feel about making choices about technologies that improve your wellbeing?
How do you feel about making choices about content that improves your wellbeing?
How do you feel about making choices about online connections that improve your wellbeing?
Generally, compared to other aspects of your life, how do you feel about digital technologies?
How do you feel about your digital wellbeing in general?

Thank you for making time to take this assessment. Here is your final score:

What Your Score Means

Check out the full Digital Wellbeing Scale here

Next Steps

Reflect on your results and the process of responding to the assessment questions:

  • How did it make you feel?
  • What did you discover?
  • What would you like to learn more about?
  • What small steps can you take today to improve your digital habits and your wellbeing?

Sign up for our monthly newsletter with digital wellbeing tips. Check out our blog for more tips and news on the topic, or follow us on social media @voxelhub. Get in touch if you need coaching, counselling or digital consultancy or have feedback on this assessment: >[email protected]

Please remember that our wellbeing changes over the course of our lifetime. You are welcome to come back and do this assessment at any time in the future. or reach out to respective crisis professionals. We hope that this process was helpful and inspiring.

Thank you for stopping by!
Sylwia Korsak, the Founder of Voxel Hub

A huge thank you to the University of the West of England CAKE students for making this assessment a reality: Jonathan Spriggs, Barnaby Fittall, Calan Bartram, Andrew Biggins, Mohammed Khan

Sylwia Korsak