I have recently posted about transmedia storytelling on our Substack blog. I want to show you an innovative example of this type of digital content creation. Meet JoyScroll, Looks Like You Need Iceland website.

Websites promoting tourism in particular countries tend to be inventive, but this one is my favourite as it plays on the digital wellbeing challenge of doomscrolling. Doomscrolling is the habit of obsessively scrolling through social media and news specifically to find negative, depressing content. It’s the digital downward spiral; if we are not careful and don’t review our sources critically, we can easily fall for it. 

Remember: our brains are wired for safety. Thus, they seek out the negative input first, so we need to cultivate the habit of curating our courses (choosing them actively and wisely) to allow more positivity into our streams of information. 

Joyscrolling is the opposite mechanism – it’s the intentional (or not intentional) online browsing for fun, joy and entertainment that improves our mood and relaxes us. 

JoyScroll, Looks Like You Need Iceland” website plays with the notion and invites us to spend some time scrolling down this incredibly long one-pager. 

While doing so, we learn more about Iceland’s tourist attractions and come across a few fun elements too. 

This visual and contextual form of mixing various types of information to entertain and inform is a perfect example of transmedia storytelling and innovative digital marketing too. Enjoy, and please, don’t blame me if you find yourself booking a ticket to Reykjavík!

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Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Senior social media and digital wellbeing consultant, coach and counsellor. Founder of Voxel Hub.