This month, I would like to talk about endings because I had many of them recently and learned a lot about the importance of handling them well – especially in therapeutic and coaching work.

So first, let’s remind ourselves that endings are necessary to mark, as they always resonate with us, humans, as they tap into our natural fear of mortality, the dread of the end of life. So even if it’s something small and seemingly insignificant, it may help if we prepare for the ending instead of rushing through it without much consideration – even if you work through them lightly.

The awareness of ending itself can give us a sense of steadiness; it addresses anxiety (the fear of the unknown) and also speaks to any potential grief (feelings of loss). No matter how mundane they seem at first, it may be helpful to prepare for endings.

How do you prepare for endings? Do you have specific types of endings that feel heavier than others? Have you experienced an ending that affected you profoundly and rippled out too? How could you prepare for a similar ending in the future?

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Senior social media and digital wellbeing consultant, coach and counsellor. Founder of Voxel Hub.

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