In the heart of a snow-covered forest, where ancient trees whispered secrets to the wind, lived a young badger named Brock. As the wheel of the year turned towards Imbolc, Brock felt a stirring in his heart, a longing for change and renewal.
Imbolc, the festival of light and new beginnings, was fast approaching. The days were slowly growing longer, and beneath the blanket of snow, the first signs of spring were beginning to emerge. Brock, who had spent the long winter months in his cosy sett, knew it was time to set his intentions for the coming year.
One crisp morning, as the pale winter sun peeked through the clouds, Brock ventured out into the forest. He came upon a clearing where a wise old Rowan tree stood, its branches adorned with clusters of bright red berries.
The Rowan tree spoke, its voice like rustling leaves, “Young Brock, Imbolc is upon us. What seeds of change will you plant in the warming earth?”
Brock, surprised by the talking tree, replied, “I’m not sure. I’ve never set intentions before.”
The Rowan tree’s branches swayed gently. “Imbolc is a time of purification and renewal. Just as the ewes begin to lactate, nourishing new life, so too can you nurture new beginnings.”
Inspired by Rowan’s words, Brock decided to set three intentions for the coming year. First, he would learn the healing properties of the forest plants. Second, he would help clean and purify the woodland streams. And third, he would forge friendships with creatures he had never interacted with before.
As Imbolc arrived, Brock joined the other forest animals in a celebration of light. They lit candles and bonfires, symbolizing the returning sun and the spark of inspiration. Brock shared his intentions with his fellow creatures, and many offered to help him achieve his goals.
In the weeks that followed, Brock worked diligently on his intentions. He studied with the wise owl, learning which plants could heal and which could harm. He organized groups of animals to clean the streams, removing debris and allowing the water to flow freely once more. And he made a point each day to speak with a new creature, from the tiniest field mouse to the majestic stag.
As the wheel of the year continued to turn, Brock saw his intentions manifesting. By Ostara, he had become known as a skilled healer. By Beltane, the streams ran clear and pure, teeming with fish and plant life. And by Litha, Brock had formed a diverse network of friends throughout the forest.
When Imbolc came around again, the Rowan tree called Brock back to the clearing. “You have grown much, young badger,” it said. “Your intentions have not only changed you but have brought renewal to the entire forest.”
Brock nodded, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment. “And now,” he said, “it’s time to set new intentions for the coming year.”
As he shared his new goals with the Rowan tree, Brock understood that Imbolc was not just a single day of renewal but the beginning of a cycle of growth and transformation that would continue throughout the year and beyond.
And so, with the light of Imbolc guiding his path, Brock continued to grow, learn, and bring positive change to his forest home, embodying the spirit of renewal with each turn of the wheel.
[1] https://www.catkinand.co/post/wheel-of-the-year-celebrating-the-seasons-with-children
[2] https://www.reforestnation.ie/blog/nature-folklore-an-interwoven-legacy-in-ireland
[3] https://www.dorsetwildlifetrust.org.uk/blog/jack-clarke/make-your-new-years-resolution-act-nature
[4] https://celticnationkernow.org/celtic-wheel-of-the-year/
[5] https://mallonireland.com/blogs/news/trees-in-celtic-mythology
[6] https://www.wiltshirewildlife.org/blog/guest/top-10-new-years-resolutions-nature
[7] https://tymammawr.co.uk/the-celtic-wheel-of-the-year/
[8] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celtic_Animism
[9] https://www.xerces.org/blog/new-years-resolutions-that-will-benefit-nature-wildlife-and-invertebrates
[10] https://www.wortsandcunning.com/blog/the-wheel-of-the-year-and-lunar-sabbats
[11] https://www.outdoorapothecary.com/the-wheel-of-the-year/
[12] https://www.nathab.com/blog/celtic-animism-scotland/
[13] https://www.wwt.org.uk/wetland-centres/martin-mere/news/new-years-resolution-ideas-for-2025/
[14] https://www.thisiskatemurphy.com/post/the-celtic-calendar-the-wheel-of-the-year
[15] https://vitalxrecognition.wordpress.com/2013/08/17/83/
[16] https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/blog/2021/12/10-eco-friendly-new-years-resolutions/
[17] https://islamacleod.com/wheel-of-the-year
[18] https://butterfly-conservation.org/news-and-blog/your-new-years-resolutions-for-butterflies-and-moths
[19] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheel_of_the_Year
[20] https://www.roman-britain.co.uk/the-celts-and-celtic-life/celtic-religion/animals-in-celtic-mythology/
[21] https://www.discoverwildlife.com/people/wildlife-nature-new-year-resolutions
Perplexity prompt: You are a progressive, anti-oppressive activist worker. Create a fairy tale about New Year intentions/resolutions, which includes themes from nature and the Celtic wheel of the year’s Imbolc.
Photo by Jeena Paradies on Unsplash