What if you and I are wrong, and that’s OK?

Welcome to our June Newsletter.

I really like their mention of the cycle of silence – which leads to a convenient establishment of norms. Elisabeth Noelle- Neumann wrote about the spiral of silence, and I think we see this mechanism play out a lot at the moment. So I wonder if Hellen Mirren was right?

I also like the solid point made by Pearn Kandola team on Monday: we cannot provide the psychological safety needed for healthy growth and authenticity at work without sound, inclusive leadership. So as leaders, we have work to do too. This leads me to my second recommendation. I recently signed up to learn from John Amaechi OBE (mentioned in the last newsletter) to learn from him and his team about inclusive leadership. I love his work, and I really value his Twitter reactions to current events, so I am incredibly grateful for the ability to learn from him online too. If you want to get a sense of his work, John also wrote a book: “The Promises of Giants”, which is brilliant!

And finally, still speaking of gender, as the world is watching in shock at the new abortion restrictions women are about to face in the US, I am glad to see so many influential voices making a statement and not remaining silent. As a Polish citizen, I put my hands up: I know the pain of living in a system which restricts access to this basic human right. And as a wellbeing professional, I fully support the health of females-identifying half of our population.

So this month, I encourage you to think about the outdated, rigid binary lines put in place and passed onto us by the dead people. I invite you to entertain the idea that maybe, just maybe, if we are wrong to be complacent with this paradigm, we may open up to the opportunity of diversity. We may all live healthier, more authentic lives and contribute even more to healthier systems now and in the future. Systems that respect all life unconditionally.

My favourite topic this month

This month I am exploring grief and managing other forms of endings in our work:

Managing endings on our Instagram

Managing endings on our blog

Bristol-based GoodGriefFestival with online video access

Managing endings from the starting point in coaching

Managing endings in counselling – resources from BACP (UK)

If you have any links on the topic, please let me know! Thank you!


This month I am practising being more playful and going back to the world of myths through the colouring pages of Johanna Basford, so here are a few tips on how to access her work online for your own self-care or client work:

Johanna Basford – main website with downloads and online courses

Johanna Basford’s colouring pages on Pinterest – black and white and coloured in

Johanna Basford – hashtag on Instagram

Johanna Basford tutorials on YouTube

Johanna Basford’s online drawing course

I hope the above resources are helpful.

Sign up for our Newsletter here.

Photo by Daria Nepriakhina 🇺🇦 on Unsplash

Senior social media and digital wellbeing consultant, coach and counsellor. Founder of Voxel Hub.

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