What do you value?

Welcome to our July Newsletter.

I am writing this from a hotel room in Exeter this month, as I am finishing the last part of my counselling course. As I am standing on the edge of this life cycle (that is what I like to call the significant moments of my life journey), I feel the new phase on the horizon: another cycle is about to begin too. I am becoming a qualifying liberation counsellor soon, and I cannot be more humbled, excited and equipped. Eager to start the work in my own capacity and continue it for the charities I volunteer at as well.

I reflect on the tutors I had so far on this journey – people officially in a position to teach me, but also the informal tutors and advisers. I value every person who gave me a tip, made an honest observation, and asked me significant and well-timed questions. I take all those learnings with me as I take them – my mental, spiritual tribe. I also seek new guides to move me forward and continue nurturing the relationship with my wonderful Advisory Board. I chose to remember the kind, giving and compassionate people who touched my heart.

I am so glad to have some of them with me at Voxel Hub too. As a result of two years of Advisory Board meetings, this month, we are publishing Voxel Hub Manifesto – a document which serves as a compass for our work ahead. The Manifesto is a reminder to each and every one of us at Voxel Hub about the values we have collectively committed to and the values I personally hold dear. This is our promise to you and our pledge to ourselves. We have worked on this for two years now, and I feel this work has matured enough to see the public eye. Of course, it is a living document, so we hope that, if needed, it will evolve. For now, here it is:

We are Voxel Hub.

We are:

Thinking critically

Feeling deeply

Acting strategically

Imagining hopefully

Protecting fiercely

Supporting collectively

Learning openly

Working wisely

Reflecting compassionately

Serving with kindness

Changing with integrity

Moving forward without doing harm

What else?

What if it is possible?

Why not now?

Join us!

Building a business from values and demonstrating them in such a way that the stakeholders can FEEL them on each step of their journey with us is our aim here. I believe (and many wise people confirm) that it is the most sustainable way to build and lead a kind organisation.

So this month, I encourage you to do similar values exercise for yourself as well. List your top ten values and then play with them, prioritise them, imagining a world with or without them. What are your core values, and how can you align your life with them? How can you manage significant milestones, changes and new stages of your life in a way which nurtures your values? What would your Manifesto look like?

My favourite topic this month

This month I am exploring female stories:

Birdgirl by Mya-Rose Craig

The Roundhouse by Louise Erdrich

Firekeeper’s Daughter by Angeline Boulley

Unwell Women by Elinor Cleghorn

Woman of Substances by Jenny Valentish

The First Lady

If you have any tips on the topic, please let me know! Thank you!


This month I am focussing on trauma stewardship practice:

I hope the above resources are helpful.

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Photo by Daniel Julio on Unsplash

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Senior social media and digital wellbeing consultant, coach and counsellor. Founder of Voxel Hub.

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