Our Story

Voxel Hub was established in 2019 to support our digital wellbeing

Sylwia at FTP

Our Mission

Together, we can explore humanity in the digital age.

We aim to do this on an individual, but also an organisational and social level. Voxel Hub combines over a decade of my digital work with a strong focus on online ethics together with current findings from cyberpsychology, digital families research, counselling and coaching theory and practice. Voxel Hub explores digital innovation in the context of cyberpsychology, mental health research and wellbeing practice.

Digital landscapes provide fantastic opportunities to connect with fellow humans through technology, to share our stories and to build our networks. It is, however, essential to actively engage in those landscapes to form healthy habits and care for our wellbeing. Everyone’s definition of digital wellbeing can be very individual, which is why I offer person-centred solutions. The person-centred approach means that I focus on my support primarily from your point of view. I help you ask the right questions and find sustainable solutions.

I believe that caring for your digital wellbeing is not a destination; it is a journey. I can support you at any point on that journey, help you move forward and feel better equipped.

Our Name

Why Voxel Hub

Designing an open, inclusive, and dynamic digital wellbeing space can be difficult, and finding a name for it is even more difficult. However, over the last decade, I have worked with fantastic people who inspired me to search for the perfect fit. After long research, testing and a bit of creative thinking, I have found two words that represent what I stand for: “voxel” and “hub”.

A voxel is a volume measurement unit used in graphics design and CT scans of human brains. The unit represents the meeting point between digital technology and the human mind – a perfect metaphor for our work. Voxels are defined by their placement in relation to other voxels in the 3D space. That is how we think of people connecting with themselves and each other, thus thriving in the digital age. I aim to help people reconnect, so the voxel is a perfect symbol and a reminder of my mission.

The word “hub” is essential to us because it signals a space that we do not pre-define. It invites all our clients, friends and other stakeholders to shape its future with us. In the world of technology, hubs represent innovative open spaces where startups can grow their connections. In the world of mental health, hubs are associated with free, accessible drop-ins and non-judgemental support, which is why I chose to name our space a hub, too.

This name reflects the mission of Voxel Hub. I hope it will inspire you to join us.

Sylwia with starred background

Digital Wellbeing

What is Digital Wellbeing?

Digital wellbeing is a new concept, so very few professionals have a clear definition. It is a term commonly used in relation to healthy digital habits.

However, based on my digital experience, cyberpsychology, and mental health studies, I have prepared a more specific definition and dedicated digital wellbeing model.

I define digital wellbeing as a process of active, informed decision-making to improve our sense of wellbeing in the digital age.

Instead of unplugging, we should embrace the digital age and make digital tools work for us.

I believe that good digital wellbeing depends on six key aspects:

  • your personal experiences and active education (digital literacy),
  • a good understanding of digital landscapes and tools (digital technologies),
  • balanced participation in content creation and consumption (your digital creativity and the content you are accessing),
  • how you shape your online identity (digital identity),
  • how you connect with others online (online networks).

There are a few more complex digital wellbeing models, but for Voxel Hub purposes, I prefer to keep digital wellbeing as simple as possible.

If you want to find out more about the current research, go to the resources page.

If you want to review your personal digital wellbeing, go to our self-assessment page.

Voxel Hub model


The digital age is here, and it is here to stay. Digital technologies, such as social media platforms (and their regularly changing algorithms), online gaming, social TV, streaming services, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence and smart tech, redefine how we live our daily lives.  The digital revolution started in the 1950s, yet “digital wellbeing” only recently entered the public discourse. Now, more than ever, it is imperative to consider for a moment how all those established and upcoming digital technologies impact our lives and our mental health. Instead of relying on tech companies or mainstream media, it’s time to ask ourselves critical questions. It’s time to decide how we want to use new technologies effectively while caring for our wellbeing.


Balanced, informed and non-judgemental discussions about good mental health are new. The language used around mental health in mainstream media is still often very negative and places a focus on struggles and illness.

In the meantime, as digital users, we are left to figure out the best way forward for our wellbeing without much digital literacy or guidance.

Normalising public conversations might take some time, but we can start thinking critically on an individual level.

The idea of good digital wellbeing starts with exploring what good mental health means to each of us individually. I set up Voxel Hub to help you do just that.

Click here to find out more.

Our Support

Who can benefit from our support

I founded Voxel Hub to help everyone, regardless of their current situation. I have developed a handy digital wellbeing scale to help my clients. It helps them identify where they are at the moment and how they could move towards more thriving digital wellbeing. We use this scale together with other, more traditional consultancy, coaching and counselling forms of assessment and progress tracking.

VXH Digital Wellbeing Scale